Sailors Pines - Newaygo County
Sailors Pines you can still take a walk through an old growth forest
in the lower peninsula. The last wave of the lumber era was passing
in the 1920's in mid-Michigan. At the same time, Mr. William Sailors
began to review his timberland holdings in Newaygo County. He
discovered that he had several acres of white pine that were
maturing, but were not yet large enough for harvesting. He had
participated in the lumber boom and had seen the fantastic giant
pines toppled forest by forest. After that, the hardwoods were
harvested and the land was cleared of the wondrous old trees. But
not all of it. While dealing in hardwoods, Mr. Sailors discovered a
neglected stand of white pines and decided to preserve them. His
son, David, carried on this work and the result is a stand of virgin
pines, a quiet place available to everyone. James Sailors is the
current owner and the pines have matured to a point similar to what
lumberjacks would have found in the 1800's.
You can pull into the trees and park. You can walk just a few yards in and will be surrounded by enormous old Michigan white pine trees. Many are more than 30" in diameter and several are more than 100' tall. Wander along the path for a bit longer and feel yourself transported to a quieter time and a less-hurried pace. If you bring a picnic lunch, you can pause long enough for your inner self to slow down, and become quiet enough to hear the winds whispering in the pines, hear deer walking nearby and glimpse wild turkeys foraging. All of this is just a few minutes from town and easily accessible by car. The road going to the pines is even paved. Sailors Pines are easy to get to at any time of day, but the solitude is truly amazing at sunrise.
You are welcome here and can bring a lunch; however, no camping is allowed and NO FIRES.